Arthur “Arky” Carne, age 94 of Dayton, passed away Jan. 17 at Hospice of Dayton. He was a resident of Friendship Village, a graduate of Roosevelt High School and Antioch College. He managed several department and grocery stores in the Dayton area and owned Free Pike Party Supply. He retired

DPO explores art of the cantor with Bernstein’s Jeremiah symphony
By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Last summer, Cantor Jenna Greenberg found a handwritten note in her door from her next-door neighbor, Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra Artistic Director and Conductor Neal Gittleman. “I want to pick your brain about something. Can you call me?” the note read. For the 2018

Forever questioning
Turning To Spirituality Series Jewish Family Education with Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer Shootings in a rural Texas church. Cyberbullying suicides as young as age 12. Neighborhood preteen molests preschoolers. California fires destroy homes and businesses. Hiking family plummets from cliff. Just why is it that bad things

Kvelling Corner
With Rachel Haug Gilbert, The Dayton Jewish Observer J.B. Hoyer passed the state nursing boards exam. He is employed in the ICU department of the Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry in Columbus. Beth Abraham Synagogue Sisterhood has announced its 2018 Women of Valor honorees: Elaine Arnovitz, Stacy Emoff, Charlotte Golden, Carol

Community Shabbat Dinner at DAI with Dayton Jewish Chorale
Beth Abraham Synagogue, Beth Jacob Congregation, Temple Beth Or, and Temple Israel will host a community Shabbat service and dinner on Friday, Jan. 26 at the Dayton Art Institute. The Dayton Jewish Chorale and congregational rabbis will lead the service, which begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Dayton Art Institute’s

Harissa Honey Roast Chicken
By Shannon Sarna, JTA There’s a reason chicken is a bit of a Friday night staple: Before Jews came to America, red meat simply wasn’t abundantly available and therefore saved for special occasions. But also, chicken is a relatively easy dinner to prepare, especially when you roast a whole chicken.

Student asks, OSU responds with kosher food option
By Alyssa Schmitt, Cleveland Jewish News For the first time, students at The Ohio State University have the option to pick up a kosher meal on campus. The change came when freshman Jack Spero, 19, from Beachwood, saw options like vegetarian, vegan and halal foods in the dining halls, but

Bark Mitzvah Boy
Look for The Adventures of Bark Mitzvah Boy each month in The Dayton Jewish Observer and at this site. To read the complete January 2018 Dayton Jewish Observer, click here.

Judith Elaine Felman, a former Daytonian, passed away Nov. 25 at the age of 68. She had been living in San Francisco. She was predeceased by her parents, H. Marvin and Edith Felman. She is survived by her sisters Jyl Lynn Felman and partner Lynne Brandon and Jan Felman Schwartz

How 1917 Battle of Jerusalem surrender flag ended up in Greenville, Ohio
By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Few at Israel’s commemoration in December marking the centennial of the Ottoman surrender of Jerusalem to the British during World War I would know that the main portion of the surrender flag is housed at a museum in Greenville, Ohio. And visitors to