Local news

Biography of Dayton congressman explores politics of race, religion in Civil War era
By Martin Gottlieb Clement Vallandigham — the most prominent Daytonian of the 19th century by far — was pro-slavery. Indeed, he denied that slavery raised any moral issue. He said this country was for White people, and the interests of Black people should not be considered. However, in researching my

The testing point
The Power of Stories. A Series. Jewish Family Education With Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer “During the Second World War,” recounts Rabbi Menashe Feiger, “a Nazi officer came over to my mother and said that he was going to shoot her. ‘Turn around and look away!’ he cruelly

Mazel Tov!
With Bark Mitzvah Boy, The Dayton Jewish Observer Julie and Dr. Rob Bloom were among the cyclists to join the Friends of the IDF Ride Israel 2021, Oct. 30 to Nov. 5. Over six days, the Blooms cycled from the Sea of Galilee to Mt. Hermon to the Golan Heights

Andrew Zimmern’s perfect potato latke recipe
By Andrew Zimmern The Nosher These potato latkes are so good that sharing the recipe alone is a mitzvah of the highest order. Chanukah celebrates the miracle of the oil, so fried foods are often featured. Problem is, most potato pancakes, or latkes, are awful. Luckily for you, these are

Bark Mitzvah Boy
Look for The Adventures of Bark Mitzvah Boy each month in The Dayton Jewish Observer and at this site. To read the complete December 2021 Dayton Jewish Observer, click here.

Charlotte Braverman, age 92 of Columbus, formerly of Dayton, passed away Oct. 25 at her residence. She was a teacher with Trotwood Madison Schools for 15 years, a member of Beth Abraham Synagogue, a life member of Hadassah, and was a volunteer for many organizations including Orchestra and You. She

2021 Dayton Literary Peace Prize awarded for Holocaust-related books
For the first time since it was established in 2006, the Dayton Literary Peace Price annual awards for fiction and non-fiction will honor authors for books each has written on Holocaust-related themes. The authors will be in Dayton on Nov. 13 for DLPP’s Conversation with the Authors program at the

It’s hard to be a Jew. It’s supposed to be.
By Rabbi Cary Kozberg, Temple Sholom, Springfield What follows are comments offered on Shabbat Vaetchanan (Deut. 3:23-7:11), learned and inspired by the writing of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, may the memory of this righteous one be a blessing. Those who have read the Tanakh/Jewish Bible know that much of scriptural narrative

Mazel Tov!
with Bark Mitzvah Boy, The Dayton Jewish Observer Dr. Elliot Davidson, a longtime Daytonian who is medical director of the Center for Family Medicine at Akron General Medical Center, now hosts the podcast, Lessons My Patients Taught Me. Since he began the podcast in May, he’s interviewed two dozen physicians

Not-so-random acts of kindness
The Power of Stories. A Series Jewish Family Education By Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer Assisting with the Albanian Muslim refugees in the late 1990s, Israel’s field medical team in Kosovo noted that the adult-focused aid agencies were overlooking the traumatized children. In response to its request for