Local news

Remember the time capsule? We opened it for the JCC’s centennial
By Marc Katz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Two small boxes of documents tell some of the story of Dayton’s Jewish community on Sept. 10, 1978: dedication day for the Jesse Philips Building and the Jewish Community Complex. They hold the contents of the Jewish community time capsule, which

Am I a Jew?
By Hannah Kasper Levinson I have a question that has guided me and confused me through so much of my life. Am I a Jew? I know that according to Jewish law, I am Jewish, since my mother is Jewish. But am I Jewish enough? I wonder this every Friday

A country of kindness
By Rabbi Nochum Mangel Chabad of Greater Dayton In 2000, Friends of Chabad Lubavitch in Washington, D.C. organized an event called Celebration 50, commemorating 50 years of the Rebbe’s leadership. At one of the sessions, 50 Chabad rabbis representing the 50 states signed a citation of gratitude to present to

Mazel Tov!
With Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Dayton Dragons co-principal owner Greg Rosenbaum co-chaired and served as master of ceremonies of the Jewish American Heritage Month Luncheon, held in the Kennedy Caucus Room on Capitol Hill May 17, the first time in three years the luncheon has been held in

Being truth
The Power of Stories Series Jewish Family Education With Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer “My father was a wandering Aramean. He went down into Egypt where he became a great nation. But the Egyptians dealt harshly with us and oppressed us. And we cried out to the Lord,

This TikTok star’s favorite hummus dinner is legit
This hearty, meat-topped hummus will be your new go-to dinner. By Eitan Bernath, The Nosher Hands down, the best way to serve homemade hummus, in my opinion, is Israeli style, with a heaping pile of sizzling spiced beef (basar in Hebrew) on top. The addition of this flavor-packed beef lends

Bark Mitzvah Boy
Look for The Adventures of Bark Mitzvah Boy each month in The Dayton Jewish Observer and at this site. To read the complete July 2022 Dayton Jewish Observer, click here.

Joell Alter (J.J.), son of Betty Alter and the late Sid Alter, passed away June 3. After graduating The Ohio State University, he began his career in Dayton working for the Dayton Jewish Center. He then moved to Philadelphia, beginning his 20-plus years in the medical industry. He is survived

Dayton’s JCC at 100
Part One: Becoming Americans By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Even a week before the Jewish Federation for Social Services completed its June 26, 1922 purchase of the house at 59 Green St. to serve as Dayton’s first Jewish Community Center, the Dayton Daily News wrote of the Jewish

An update on Ukraine
Here is another update from Centerville resident Maryna Braginsky about her immediate family’s situation since Russia invaded Ukraine. “Well, everybody’s alive,” she says. Her brothers fight in Ukraine’s army. Now that the army receives weapons from European countries and the United States, they slowly see improvement. “But there are still