Art of the Jewish Scribe at Beth Abraham

When Sofer (Jewish ritual scribe) Rabbi Yochanan Salazar visits Beth Abraham Synagogue to evaluate its Torah scrolls and make necessary repairs for several days, the community will be able to watch him at work during his presentation, The Art of the Jewish Scribe: A Window Into the Sofer’s World, on Monday, Aug. 20 at 7 p.m.
A native of Ecuador, Salazar received his rabbinic ordination in 2004 from Rabbi Daniel Channen in Beit Shemesh, Israel. He studied safrut (the Jewish scribal arts) as an apprentice of Rabbis Gedaliah and Moshe Druin, and received his ordination as a sofer from Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Haim, head of Sephardic studies at Yeshiva University.
Salazar heads the Torah restoration department of Sofer on Site, in the employ of the Druins, and travels the United States restoring Torahs and teaching communities how to properly care for their Torahs. For more information, call Beth Abraham Synagogue at 293-9520.
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