Larry Balas, age 94 of Dayton, passed away June 16. Mr. Balas was born Dec. 9, 1921 in Cibakhaza, Hungary. He was a Holocaust survivor and immigrated to Dayton in 1956. Mr. Balas retired from GM. He was an avid sports enthusiast. He coached soccer for many years and enjoyed

More memories of Meadowbrook
Jaime Miller of North Miami Beach read our feature, Memories of Meadowbrook by Marc Katz, in the May Dayton Jewish Observer. Here, he shares some of his photos and recollections of Meadowbrook. Jaime grew up in Dayton in the ‘50s and ‘60s. I vividly remember when the club only had

Kvelling Corner
With Rachel Haug Gilbert, The Dayton Jewish Observer Linda Kahn, CEO of The Ohlmann Group, received the Best Media Buyer Mercury Award from the Dayton Chapter of the American Advertising Federation on May 17. The Ohlmann Group also received first-place Mercury Awards for Best Ad Agency Rep, Best Digital Rep,

Bark Mitzvah Boy
Look for The Adventures of Bark Mitzvah Boy each month in The Dayton Jewish Observer and at this site. To read the complete June 2016 Dayton Jewish Observer, click here.

Back to basics – a new series
Jewish Family Education with Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer In Sydney Taylor’s 1950s All-of-a-Kind Family children’s novels, the Jewish family resembles an urban version of the Waltons or the Cleavers from Leave it to Beaver: all are traditionally nuclear, generally patriarchal with breadwinner fathers and homemaker mothers, and

The ultimate chocolate babka recipe
By Bryan Libit, thenosher.com My mom grew up in New York and went on the hunt for the perfect babka she remembered from the Jewish delis and bakeries that used to be all over the city. Now there are barely any great bakeries left, so, other than perfecting her golf

Study must lead to a better world
By Rabbi Hershel Spalter, Chabad of Greater Dayton As graduations lead into summer, the connection between them and our lives becomes clear. When my Zaydie (grandfather) visited me when I studied at a yeshiva high school, he shared with me a lesson his father had taught him. What he said at

H. Ira Fritz, Ph.D., age 80 of Dayton, passed away April 26 at Kettering Medical Center. Dr. Fritz was a retired biochemistry professor from Wright State University and was a professor at Union Institute. He was a member of Beth Abraham Synagogue and Men’s Club, and a member of Rod

LGBT-friendly Boy Scout unit to launch at Temple Israel
Likely a first for U.S. Reform movement By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Attaining the rank of Eagle Scout often marks the crowning achievement of the Boy Scouting experience. But for Lake Miller of Yellow Springs, who earned his Eagle Scout at 15, it was only the beginning. A

Memories of Meadowbrook
Over a period of 90 years, it was a family club as much as a country club. By Marc Katz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer It was unseasonably cool on Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1963, when Arnold Palmer drove the first hole at Meadowbrook in an era when even the