Happy tummies, Shabbat dinner through Kiddush lunch
Shabbat Dinner Chicken with Dried Fruit By Elizabeth Kurtz, The Nosher I have served this chicken for years, and it’s a go-to for a quick and easy Shabbat recipe. The chicken gets caramelized from the glossy and delicious sauce. It’s best when marinated overnight, so be sure to plan

Exhibit at Miami U on Jews who fought WWII with Soviet armed forces
In conjunction with Hillel at Miami University and Miami University’s Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies, an exhibit from New York’s Blavatnik Archive is on display at Miami University’s King Library on the Oxford campus through Nov. 17. It depicts stories of Russian Jews who fought in the Soviet

Bark Mitzvah Boy
Look for The Adventure of Bark Mitzvah Boy each month in The Dayton Jewish Observer and at this site. To read the complete November 2017 Dayton Jewish Observer, click here.

William Paul Gronefeld, “Bill” to all who knew him, age 74, died Oct. 12. He was born May 28, 1943 in Covington, Ky. to Paul and Mary Gronefeld. He was preceded in death by his parents and daughter-in-law, Regina. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Barb; son,

David Moss offers Grace After Meals in comic book form
By Marc Katz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer He started a trend with illuminated, custom-designed ketubot (Jewish marriage contracts), published an exquisite Passover Haggadah, and created a masterfully carved shtender (prayer stand) to be used for Shabbat, holidays, and every day. Now, Jerusalem-based David Moss has created a bencher

The gifts of ‘different wiring’
By Michele Alperin, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Symptom clusters in individuals who struggle with mental health issues or learning differences can also be a source of strength — or even genius — psychiatrist Dr. Gail Saltz details in her new book, The Power of Different: The Link between

Rabbi Naomi Levy: tending the soul
By Judy Bolton-Fasman, JewishBoston.com In her new book, Einstein and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul, Rabbi Naomi Levy teaches that the soul operates in our world on three levels — nefesh, ruach, and nishama. While each of these three words is a Hebrew synonym for “soul,” Levy describes nefesh

Consul general: ‘not very much’ leverage with Putin on Iran in Syria
By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer At a briefing hosted by Dayton’s Jewish Community Relations Council, Dani Dayan, Israel’s consul general in New York, said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has “not very much” leverage with Russian President Vladimir Putin when it comes to reigning in Iran’s military

Finding balance
By Rabbi Tina Sobo, Temple Israel Amid the energy of the High Holy Days, I have found myself considering and practicing the concept of balance over the past few weeks in many ways. Meanwhile, in our weekly Talmud class at Temple Israel, we continue to muse every time the text

God wrestling
Turning To Spirituality Series Jewish Family Education with Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer A Hebrew school student’s mother, an avowed atheist, once approached me to ask if I would teach her son about God. How amazing, I thought, that a non-believing parent still understood the importance of her