Mazel Tov!

With Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Dayton Dragons co-principal owner Greg Rosenbaum co-chaired and served as master of ceremonies of the Jewish American Heritage Month Luncheon, held in the Kennedy Caucus Room on Capitol Hill May 17, the first time in three years the luncheon has been held in person. Among the speakers were U.S. Rep. Mike Turner and Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown. Rosenbaum chairs the Jewish American Heritage Month Advisory Board. Its aim is to highlight the contributions of Jewish Americans to American history, culture, and society, and educate non-Jews about those contributions.

The luncheon honored former Anti-Defamation League National Director Abe Foxman, philanthropists Tzili Charney and Rabbi Moshe Margaretten, and Bukharian Chief Rabbi Itzhak Yehoshua. “One of the perks of emceeing an event like this is that I get to introduce my senators and representatives,” Rosenbaum said of Turner and Brown. Turner talked about the contributions of Dayton’s Jewish community to the city, such as the Schuster Center. Brown spoke of the contributions American Jews have made in human rights and civil rights.

Jacob Westerkamp graduated magna cum laude in computer engineering from Ohio Northern University in Ada, where he also played center back on the men’s soccer team. He is currently deciding between graduate school and professional employment. Jacob’s proud family includes his parents, John and Lori, and his sister, Rachel.
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