DRITA to host Israel commercialization webinar Dec. 16

The Dayton Region Israel Trade Alliance will host a webinar for local businesses to learn more about the Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) program, Wednesday, Dec. 16 beginning at 9 a.m.
According to DRITA consultant Hadas Bar-Or, the BIRD Foundation provides matchmaking services and funding of up to 50 percent of project development, and product commercialization of up to $1 million. Webinar participants will learn how to leverage this connection to Israel. She said the BIRD Foundation was created to increase cooperation between U.S. and Israeli high-tech industries.
“If you have an R&D project you want to commercialize or if you are looking for a new technology to enhance your product, you should join us,” Bar-Or said. “BIRD is looking for projects in agriculture, communications, life sciences, electronics, electro-optics, software, homeland and cyber security, renewable and alternative energy, water, and other sectors of the hi-tech industry. Their staff, together with DRITA, can help you identify an Israeli partner to work with.”
Representatives of Sinclair College and Israel’s Simlat company will talk about their successful BIRD project as part of the webinar.
To register for the free program, email Gwen Eberly at eberlyg@mcohio.org.