The Marvelous Mr. Mazel

With Scott Halasz, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Irwin Dumtschin’s work as president of the Beth Abraham Men’s Club has garnered some serious attention. He was recently named the 2019 Ma’asim Tovim (righteous actions) Award winner for the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs KIO region. The highest award a region can give a member, it honors individuals who have worked to advance the FJMC’s mission and the Conservative movement. Irwin has been the men’s club president at Beth Abraham since 2012 and served as president or co-president in the 1990s. During his first stint, he helped the men’s club join FJMC and was instrumental in the establishment of the KIO region. Despite being a smaller men’s club, with Dumtschin at the lead, the BA group has a full plate of activities including the Sunday morning brunches, World Wide Wrap, and the annual deli dinner and movie night. The KIO Region of FJMC will hold a luncheon in Irwin’s honor on June 30 at Congregation Agudas Achim in Columbus. Irwin will officially receive his award at the FJMC Biennial Conference in Toronto this summer.

The Cantors Assembly recently published a volume of duets composed by Cantor Jerome B. Kopmar, cantor emeritus of Beth Abraham Synagogue. Shalosh P’amim Bashana is a volume of music for two voices for the Three Festivals. It concludes a trilogy of books commissioned by the Cantors Assembly composed by Cantor Kopmar that includes music of the Sabbath and High Holy Days services for two voices. Cantor Kopmar wrote the participatory works for laypeople, children, and cantors. Selections from this new volume will be highlighted at the Cantors Assembly Convention in May in Louisville. This is the fifth volume of Cantor Kopmar’s music published by the assembly.
Larry Klaben is the 2019 recipient of the Spirit of Life Award from the City of Hope Hospital. The City of Hope Hospital is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of people with cancer, diabetes, and other serious illnesses. The award is presented to individuals who exemplify the ideals and values that have guided City of Hope for a century, and whose professional and humanitarian accomplishments are worthy of celebration. The furniture industry is one of the City of Hope’s premier fundraising groups supporting its mission of innovative medical research and quality patient care. Larry and his business, Morris Furniture Company, founded Kids Dream Too and have donated more than 10,000 mattresses to kids in need. The award will be presented April 7 at the City of Hope’s International Home Furnishings Industry dinner in North Carolina.
Gary Dickstein received the Donald D. Gehring Award for contributions to the field of student conduct, the highest award given by the Association for Student Conduct Administration. Gary is vice president of student affairs at Wright State University.
Dr. Corinne Daprano, chair and associate professor of University of Dayton’s Department of Health and Sport Science, was honored with UD’s Lackner Award, which recognizes models of servant leadership.
Sammy Caruso, a junior at Oakwood High School, presented a TED Talk, The Future Is Ours: Student Activism, as part of TEDxYouth@Dayton on March 1 at the Dayton Masonic Center. Sammy is the son of Patty and Mike Caruso.
Alexis Wagenfeld and Brandon Wagenfeld have been named National Merit Scholarship Finalists among 15,000 students nationwide. They are both seniors at Blaine High School in Blaine, Minn. Proud grandparents are Sheila and Lawrence Wagenfeld, Bonnie Beaman Rice and Judge Walter H. Rice, and Sarann Rice.
And Judge Walter H. Rice has been named the 2019 recipient of the Brother Raymond L. Fitz Award, presented by the Montgomery County Family and Children First Council. The Fitz Award honors an active community member who has demonstrated a commitment to achieving positive results for the children and families with whom they work, who recognizes the value of teamwork, and who has persevered for the long haul and accomplished a lasting impact.
Send your Mr. Mazel items to Scott Halasz at
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