The Dayton Jewish Observer

Observer editor honored for best feature writing in Ohio
Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Awards has announced that Dayton Jewish Observer Editor and Publisher Marshall Weiss has received the 2021 first-place award for Best Feature Reporting in its small newspaper category (circulation below 60,000). The awards are presented by the Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Columbus SPJ chapters. Judges’ comments wrote

Observer wins 3 awards from Ohio’s Best Journalism Contest
The Dayton Jewish Observer won one first-place and two second-place awards from Ohio’s Best Journalism Contest, sponsored by the Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus Society of Professional Journalists, which announced its 2020 honorees today. Marshall Weiss, editor and publisher of The Dayton Jewish Observer, took first place in Best Religion Reporting

Observer wins first-place Rockower Award
The American Jewish Press Association announced in June that The Dayton Jewish Observer is the recipient of a first-place 2019 Simon Rockower Award for Excellence in Jewish Journalism. A feature story by Editor and Publisher Marshall Weiss about the Gem City Market in the March 2018 Observer, Let all who

Observer wins two Ohio SPJ awards
The Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Awards competition announced in July that The Dayton Jewish Observer is the recipient of two of its first-place 2017 awards. Freelancer Michelle Tedford received the award for Best Medical/Science Reporting for her October 2016 article, Sweet project to save bees, crops. Observer Editor and

Observer wins two first-place Rockower Awards
The American Jewish Press Association announced in June that The Dayton Jewish Observer is the recipient of two first-place 2017 Simon Rockower Awards for Excellence in Jewish Journalism. The three-part series, Black/Jewish relations from the Dayton riots through desegregation, received the award for Journalistic Excellence in American Jewish History; LGBT-friendly

‘A genuine sense of gratitude’
Temple Israel Senior Rabbi David M. Sofian reflects on his retirement By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Rabbi David M. Sofian takes confirmation seriously. His goal, he says, is to challenge teens to think of themselves as Jewish adults. “I want them to give up a kind of

Debunking Internet rumors
The Jewish Internet with Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Did you get that email about the company that’s boycotting Israel? Or the message about what that antisemitic actor said? Or the politician who trivialized the Holocaust? Actually, those events may never have happened. You could be

Kvelling Corner
With Rachel Haug Gilbert, The Dayton Jewish Observer At this year’s Cantors Assembly Convention, May 3-7 in Chicago, Beth Abraham Synagogue Cantor Andrea Raizen and Cantor Jenna Greenberg performed two new duets composed by Beth Abraham Cantor Emeritus Jerome P. Kopmar. They sang for a session to introduce Jerry’s new

Amazing but divergent concepts of grace
Jew in the Christian World By Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer Immortalized in the most popular of Christian folk-hymns, grace seems an unlikely topic for a Jewish Bible study class. Well-known to Christians, the term is generally familiar to Jewish audiences only in the expression grace after meals

The Eternal is her portion
By Rabbi David Burstein, Temple Beth Or I remember meeting my friend Vicki for the first time in the parking lot of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. I had returned after taking a year and a half off to collect my head and recover from a medical