Ricotta & Strawberry Bourekas for Shavuot
By Danielle Oron, JTA I’m a cheese and dairy fanatic. So for obvious reasons, my favorite holiday is Shavuot. This is when spring has sprung and my family makes a whole spread of cheese and dairy-filled foods and desserts. There are always a ton of different cheeses, spreads, breads, fluffy

Ohio invests record $61 million in Israel bonds
By Amanda Koehn, Cleveland Jewish News The Ohio Treasurer’s office bought a record $61 million in Israel bonds on April 3, which Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel said is in response to the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. The purchase is the largest single U.S. government purchase of Israel bonds in

Ohio State Hillel is anti-BDS, not anti-LGBT
By Kyle Gersman In March, Ohio State University Hillel was accused of being anti-LGBT because it was forced to disassociate with a Jewish LGBT campus group, B’nai Keshet, after the group decided to co-sponsor a fundraiser for queer refugees with Jewish Voice for Peace. I was shocked to hear this

Bark Mitzvah Boy
Look for The Adventures of Bark Mitzvah Boy each month in The Dayton Jewish Observer and at this site. To read the complete May 2017 Dayton Jewish Observer, click here.

What is Israel?
By Rabbi Haviva Horvitz , Temple Beth Sholom Middletown Stop anyone on the street and ask the question, “What is Israel?” The answer you will get might be: “Israel is a Middle Eastern country on the Mediterranean Sea.” Perhaps someone with a little more knowledge would include that Israel is

Barbara B. Flagel, 78 years old, passed away on April 12 after more than seven years of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Mrs. Flagel was born in, and was a long-term resident of Dayton before moving to Naples, Fla. more than 25 years ago. Mrs. Flagel was a wonderful, devoted wife

Methodist seminary in Dayton issues statement of solidarity with Jewish community
The faculty of United Theological Seminary, a United Methodist Church institution based in Dayton, issued a statement of solidarity with the Jewish community on March 24, saying it is “greatly disturbed” by the “uptick in antisemitic incidents since November” across the United States. “Not only does this activity evoke the

Transferring pain to pages
Robert Kahn didn’t want to revisit memories of Nazi Germany. He had to. By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer To a generation of Dayton-area schoolchildren, he is known as the boy the Nazis forced to play the violin on Kristallnacht while they beat his father with clubs, ransacked the