Kvelling Corner

With Rachel Haug Gilbert, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Dottie Engelhardt celebrated her 90th birthday.
Joni Watson was appointed to the National Education Association Internal Language Review Stakeholder Task Force, to review NEA’s language through a racial-equity lens.
Springboro High School senior Seth Conte has earned his Eagle Scout rank. For his project, he renovated Temple Beth Or’s outdoor sanctuary and created new candlesticks and a kiddush table from a tree blown down in a neighbor’s yard. Seth is the son of Jill and Tom Conte.
Esther and DeNeal Feldman celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary.
Sarah and Lonnie Carpenter joined the annual Ride 2 Remember in Cleveland in June. The Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance and the Shul Boys motorcycle club of Cleveland organized the ride, which raised more than $77,000 for the Survivor’s Memory Project at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in Cleveland. Lonnie also achieved Champion in Class D2 on his 1976 Yamaha RD400 at the Annual Ohio Vintage Nationals Drag Race at Quaker City Motorsports Park in Salem — his first drag race.
Dr. Heath Gilbert was named 2018 Key OD of the Year by the Ohio Optometric Association for his dedication to and advocacy of optometry in Ohio.
Volunteers taking the lead with the 2018 Dayton Walk to End Alzheimer’s include Board Member and Past President Mike Emoff, the Froelich family, Reason To Hope Committee Member Bernie Rabinowitz, and Program Committee Member Marci Vandersluis. The walk will be held Oct. 6.
Send your Kvelling items to Rachel at kvellingcorner@gmail.com.
To read the complete October 2018 Dayton Jewish Observer, click here.