Kvelling Corner

With Rachel Haug Gilbert, The Dayton Jewish Observer
At this year’s Cantors Assembly Convention, May 3-7 in Chicago, Beth Abraham Synagogue Cantor Andrea Raizen and Cantor Jenna Greenberg performed two new duets composed by Beth Abraham Cantor Emeritus Jerome P. Kopmar. They sang for a session to introduce Jerry’s new publication, Lishmoa El Harina: High Holiday Selections for Two Voices. The Cantors Assembly is the international association of cantors affiliated with Conservative Judaism. Beth Abraham Synagogue contacted more than 100 former members of the Beth Abraham Youth Chorale — which Jerry created and led from 1971 to 1983 — to underwrite the new publication. Andrea and Jenna will present duets from Jerry’s new publication for the synagogue’s Selichot service in September. In the meantime, you can listen to their performances from the Cantors Assembly Convention at bethabrahamdayton.org.
Shelly Switkin, executive director of Dayton’s Jewish Family Services from 1982 to 2002, was honored at the annual meeting of the Rabbinical Assembly on the 50th anniversary of his ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary. The Rabbinical Assembly is the international organization of Conservative rabbis. Shelly, a licensed independent social worker with supervisory status, presently serves as a community professor of social work at Ohio State.
AJ Lauber was selected as vendor of the year by Ricker Oil Company out of 200 possible candidates. AJ is a territory trade marketing manager for RJ Reynolds. He is the son of Sam and Ellen Lauber.
Aaron Natarus, son of Mark and Sharon Natarus, graduated summa cum laude from Ohio State with honors in pharmaceutical sciences. He is the grandson of the late Maxine and Maurice Gordon, and Darrell and Renee Natarus.
The Miami Valley School’s Middle School Quiz Bowl Teams were on a roll this spring. Team A placed eighth out of 128 teams vying for the national championship in Dallas, May 9-10. Members of Team A included team captain Max Mader, son of Jennifer and Joe Mader; and John John and William Groger, sons of Dr. Kaili Fan and Dr. Richard Groger. Team B made it as far as the Ohio Middle School State Championship and won third place in the state. Elena Cebulash, daughter of Rachel Stanzione and Glen Cebulash, was a member of Team B. Max, Elena, and John John were among the top 10 individual scorers at the state level.
Send your Kvelling Corner items to Rachel atkvellingcorner@gmail.com.
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