New exec. dir. at Beth Jacob

On Nov. 1, Chaya Vidal began her work as executive director of Beth Jacob Congregation. Vidal, who served as executive director of Beth Abraham Synagogue from 2003 to 2006, has worked for Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform synagogues across the country, including as executive director of Rodeph Sholom in Bridgeport, Conn.
“My previous claim to fame was that I have served in each denomination’s synagogues,” Vidal says, “but now I can add that I have served two synagogues in the Dayton area.”
Beth Jacob is not affiliated with a particular Jewish movement but identifies itself as Traditional in practice, a non-egalitarian movement to the religious left of Orthodoxy but to the right of egalitarian Conservative Judaism.
She takes over from Barry Serotkin, the synagogue’s executive director for 17 years.
Vidal says she hopes to enable everyone to feel as comfortable and welcome as she does at Beth Jacob.
Her initial goals are to increase membership and work with the congregation’s new rabbi, Martin Applebaum, to develop and present quality programming to the congregation’s membership.
— Marshall Weiss