Zwellings to depart this summer

Husband and wife community professionals head to Chicago

By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer, January 2010

Josh and Deva Zwelling

On Nov. 17, Hillel Academy Principal and Director of Judaic Studies Josh Zwelling, and his wife, Jewish Federation Assistant Executive Vice President Deva Zwelling, announced to their respective boards that they and their children will relocate to Chicago at the end of the school year. Josh has been named director of recruitment and development for Camp Moshava, located in Wild Rose, Wisc. Moshava’s administrative office is in Skokie, Ill.

“Our work has been inspiring and so meaningful to both of us,” Deva said. “This community has been like our family.”

The Zwellings arrived in Dayton in 1995, when Josh — who was raised in Dayton —  began his work as Beth Jacob Synagogue’s program director while also teaching Judaics at Hillel. Deva, a native of New York, began working for the DJCC in 1996. She then directed Federation’s Jewish education and outreach and currently oversees the United Jewish Campaign, Federation Social Services, Jewish Senior Service Agency and Covenant House.

“Deva is one of the most talented Jewish communal workers that I have ever had the privilege of working with,” said Federation Executive Vice President Larry Skolnick.

Josh has served as director of Judaic studies at Hillel, the Dayton area’s Jewish day school, since 2003. He has also led the Dayton Jewish School, Beth Jacob’s education program, read Torah for the congregation, and has tutored countless students for their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.

“Josh is a magnetic personality who has been a great teacher and a great administrator and friend,” said Hillel Academy President Dr. Adam Waldman.

With the Zwellings’ departure, both Federation and Hillel’s personnel committees begin the search process this month to meet their staffing needs.

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