Local artists ready for exhibit in Israel

Partnership international art exhibit

On May 5, local leaders of the Partnership With Israel project got a first glimpse of artist Bing Davis’ contribution to the upcoming Yitzhak Arts Gathering in Israel’s Western Galilee.

At his studio in Dayton’s Wright-Dunbar Village, Davis unveiled After The Laughter. The work keeps with the theme of the exhibition — based on concept of the biblical Yitzhak or Issac, which literally means “laughter.”

In the mixed media collage, two arms hold a baby aloft.

Davis explains the piece, which he says he designed from an African perspective.

“After the laughter, we must protect and nurture our children. Children are the most valuable natural resource in our communities.”

In the upper right corner of the work is the image of a withered bush. “Even in the most barren of conditions, life still survives,” he says.

Davis will travel to the Western Galilee with his work for the international arts gathering, along with local artist Rebecca Tsaloff and three towers she and Michael Bashaw developed with local artists and educators. They will join artists from Israel and other Partnership communities June 17-23 for the exhibit.

Partnership, a program of the Jewish Federation, promotes people-to-people relationships between the Western Galilee and 13 communities in the central United States.

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