Dayton Jewish Community Relations Council

International exhibit with Tel Aviv premiere launched via Dayton
By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer The photography and written narratives of 31 Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the United States, Hungary, and Israel ranging in ages from high school students to lifelong learners were featured on exhibit as part of Photo Is:rael’s 2021 International Photography Festival in Tel

Jewish Dayton Community Forum on Israel and Antisemitism May 27
The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton will present JewishDayton Together: A Community Forum on Israel and Antisemitism at 7 p.m., Thursday, May 27 via Zoom. Speakers representing the Israeli Consulate, Anti-Defamation League, and Hillel International will provide updates and talk about how the situation

DAI’s lead educator on collection’s Jewish WPA artists
Casey Goldman, lead museum educator with the Dayton Art Institute, will present Art, Government, Hope: Jewish Artists Contribute to WPA’s Federal Art Project via Zoom at 7 p.m., Thursday, June 10, hosted by the Jewish Community Relations Council. She’ll provide an overview of Jewish artists in the DAI’s collection who

JCRC’s Virtual Community Conversations on racial equity
In conjunction with the Dayton YWCA’s 21-Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge, the Jewish Community Relations Council has launched a series of virtual Community Conversations, Fridays from noon to 1 p.m. in June and July. June 26: Why the 21-Day Challenge for Racial Equity and Social Change? With YWCA

Dayton joins Ohio Jewish Federations on D.C. fly-in for more security funds
Staff from the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton joined representatives of Ohio’s seven other Jewish Federations for a fly-in to Washington, D.C. on March 13 to advocate on Capitol Hill for increased security funding for faith-based and cause-based nonprofits at risk for terror attacks. “Since the Pittsburgh attacks and the