Kvelling Corner

with Rachel Haug Gilbert, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Dr. Allan Katz was inducted as an Air Force Research Fellow at a ceremony held at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. Allan leads the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate program to develop ceramic matrix composites capable of operating in turbine engines to temperatures of 2,700 degrees. He is considered by many to be the father of CMC materials for high temperature applications. He led pioneering research on high temperature behavior of CMCs in the early 1980s, and has led multiple development and technology transition efforts to bring advanced CMC materials to fruition for turbine engine applications.
The Hon. Walter H. Rice, judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, was thrilled to learn that the federal building and courthouse in Downtown Dayton will be named in his honor. A panel established by U.S. Rep. Mike Turner and chaired by attorney Merle F. Wilberding unanimously recommended the building be named for Judge Rice, who has served as a federal judge since 1980.
Dr. Michael Halasz has been installed as president-elect of the Ohio Dental Association.

Dr. David Shuster has received the Boonshoft School of Medicine 2017 Voluntary Faculty Award for teaching medical students. A clinical assistant professor of orthopaedic surgery, David teaches the medical school’s Medicine and the Holocaust course.
Joshua Spetter has been selected as the new director of programming and training for Peace Corps Mexico. In this position, he’ll serve as the deputy country director, working in conjunction with the country director and the director of management and operations to oversee the Peace Corps program. Joshua has dedicated his career over the past 20 years to the Peace Corps.
Debbie Feldman, president and CEO of Dayton Children’s Hospital, was named Executive of the Year by Dayton Business Journal. With Debbie’s leadership, Dayton Children’s also received DBJ’s Customer Service Business of the Year Award, and Community Supporter of the Year.
Marissa Sucosky is celebrating 15 years of working at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Since 2012, she has served with the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Send your Kvelling items to Rachel Haug Gilbert at kvellingcorner@gmail.com.
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