Kvelling Corner

With Rachel Haug Gilbert, The Dayton Jewish Observer

Reach Out Montgomery County, a nonprofit agency providing health care services for Montgomery County residents who are underserved or uninsured, dedicated its new pharmacy in honor of retired pharmacist Joe Bettman on Nov. 15. For many years, Bettman’s Pharmacy was the only pharmacy that served residents of West Dayton and western Montgomery County. In 2011, after 56 years of service, Bettman retired and closed the pharmacy. “There are unsung heroes in every community,” said Sharon Sherlock, executive director of Reach Out Montgomery. “Truly, his spirit of giving embodies the mission of Reach Out.” Reach Out Montgomery County provides clinical services including pediatric care, adult care and specialty clinics, and the Bettman Charitable Pharmacy.

Scene75 won the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions’ award for Best Family Entertainment Center in North America on Nov. 16 at the IAAPA Expo in Orange County, Fla. Jonah Sandler is Scene75’s CEO — chief entertainment officer. “As I sat at our award finalist table and heard Scene75 was ultimately named the winner, a few tears rolled from my eyes knowing all the time, energy and passion my family and I, along with our team, have poured into this family-owned business since the planning began for our first location back in 2009,” Sandler posted on Facebook after winning the award. Scene75 has locations in Dayton and Cincinnati.
Cadi Polk’s map, Miami Valley Regional Vacancy Profile, won the People’s Choice Award in the Map Gallery competition at the annual statewide GIS Conference in September. Cadi’s profile presented a series of maps, charts and graphics into a poster-sized infographic to give the reader a comprehensive look at the state of residential and business vacancies in the Miami Valley region.
The Air Force has promoted Michael Rosenof to major. Rosenof is stationed at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base and works at the Air Force Institute of Technology.
Alex Katz Jacobson, an attorney with Berger Schatz in Chicago, was recently named to 40 Illinois Attorneys Under Forty to Watch. The program recognizes attorneys whose professional reputations have won the respect of their professional peers. Alex specializes in complex family law settlements and litigation. She has been named to the peer-recommended Leading Lawyers Network every year since 2013, and selected for inclusion in Illinois Super Lawyers, Rising Stars, in 2009, 2011-2013, and 2016. Alex is the daughter of Susie and Eddie Katz, and the granddaughter of Lois and the late Gilbert Unger, and Larry and the late Bubbles (Barbara) Katz.
Send your Kvelling items to Rachel Haug Gilbert at kvellingcorner@gmail.com.
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