Kvelling Corner

With Rachel Haug Gilbert, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Grant Halasz, son of Teri and Dr. Michael Halasz, has earned his third varsity letter and the 2015-16 Academic All-Ohio Bowler Award. He is one of three bowlers on the Centerville High School Boys and Girls, JV and Varsity Teams to qualify for that award. He was also named most improved bowler.
Kindertransport survivor Felix Weil will share his story with the Quad Cities in Iowa and Illinois. From April 30 through May 3, he’ll meet with Jewish day school students, Augustana College students, high schoolers, and soldiers and civilians at Rock Island Arsenal. He is also the keynote speaker at Tri-City Jewish Center’s Yom Hashoah program.
Rabbi Brent Gutmann, his wife Jill, and their daughters, Daria and Tzipora, are relocating from Auckland, New Zealand to West Bloomfield, Mich., where Brent has been named the senior rabbi of Temple Kol Ami. Jill’s brother Michael Abromowitz has been hired as an associate attorney by Compensation & Benefits Solutions in Denver. The firm specializes in executive compensation, benefits, and corporate governance. Jill and Michael’s parents are Judy and Dr. Howard Abromowitz. Brent’s parents are Bev and Jay Gutmann.
David Esrati is mentioned twice in the fifth edition of the guide to creating great advertising, Hey Whipple, Squeeze This by Luke Sullivan. Besides contributing to the career and digital strategy sections, Esrati’s agency, The Next Wave, built and hosts the site for the book, heywhipple.com. The book is used by colleges across the globe as a textbook for learning the craft of advertising.
A new arrival to Dayton, Alex Kudera will read from his comic crime novel, Auggie’s Revenge, at Wright Library in Oakwood on May 5 at 7 p.m. Auggie’s Revenge is now being reprinted in a classroom edition.
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