Kvelling Corner

With Rachel Haug Gilbert, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Laila Blumer played a “London Child” in the Muse Machine production of Mary Poppins at the Victoria Theatre in January. Laila’s parents are Molly and Jeff Blumer.
Addison Caruso has been asked to be one of three student representatives for Miami University’s Hillel at the 2016 AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C., March 19-21. His parents are Patty and Mike Caruso.
Roger Pankake has been selected to be inducted into the Tecumseh Local Schools Hall of Honor, based on his outstanding qualifications and contributions. Roger was employed there for 23 of his 35 years in education as a high school assistant principal, middle school principal, high school principal, assistant superintendent, and the last six years of his career as district superintendent.
Through March 5, all Hillel Academy students will have their creative work on display in the Fine Art Center at Cross Pointe Shopping Center in Centerville. The art show was arranged by Hillel’s art teacher, Thea Klass.
Send your Kvelling items to kvellingcorner@gmail.com.
To read the complete March 2016 Dayton Jewish Observer, click here.