
With Charlotte Golden, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Three pieces by Dr. Eric L. Friedland — Sanders Judaic Professor Emeritus at Antioch College, United Theological Seminary, the University of Dayton, and Wright State University — recently came out in print, just two weeks apart. Two appear in the anthology Welcome to the Cavalcade edited by A. Festschrift (Kulmus Publishing): From Marks to Magonet: The Prayerbook Creator at Work, and Two Essays by Hugo Bergman. His essay, Yizkor: A Microcosm of Interconnectivity, was published in May God Remember edited by Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman (Jewish Lights).
Attorney Jeffrey Swillinger will receive the Lloyd O’Hara Public Interest Law Award at the 2013 Access to Justice Awards Gala on Nov. 13 at the Schuster Center. The gala — presented by Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Legal Aid of Western Ohio, and Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project — recognizes individuals who have provided extraordinary assistance to individuals in the Miami Valley who are low income or have a disability. Jeff established the Wesley Community Center Free Law Clinic and continues to organize, facilitate and participate in the clinic with volunteer assistance from community attorneys, serving hundreds of people over the last five years.
Angela Frydman will be honored as Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser at the 24th Annual National Philanthropy Day Awards and Luncheon on Nov. 12 at the Sinclair Community College Ponitz Center. The program is presented by the Dayton Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
Some touching Bat Mitzvah projects have come to our attention lately. Temple Beth Or’s Sophie Roytman, daughter of Jennia and Mikhail Roytman, has taken over a Bar Mitzvah project for a friend unable to complete his at this time. Sophie attended GUCI this summer when 12-year-old camper Ethan Kadish of Cincinnati was struck by lightning. Ethan is now on the long road to recovery, with a focus on physical, occupational and speech therapy. “His Bar Mitzvah was supposed to be in August,” Sophie wrote in a letter to her congregation. “His service project was to collect school supplies for children in Haiti. While he’s unable to work on his project, I have decided to continue it on his behalf.”
Another Sophie, Sophie Levitt of Pittsburgh — daughter of Lee and Karen (Seiden) Levitt and granddaughter of Paula and Marvin Levitt — has launched the project Electronics for Autism. Her aim is to collect monetary and electronic-device donations to provide up to 18 devices to families with autistic children in both the United States and Israel over the next two years. She has already raised a few hundred dollars toward her project and has received a donated iPad, which she’ll soon present to a Pittsburgh-area family with an autistic child.
Brian Sharp plays Edna Turnblad and Tamar Fishbein, daughter of Irene and Gary Fishbein, plays Edna’s daughter, Tracy, in Dayton Playhouse’s production of the musical Hairspray, Sept. 6-22. Also in the show are Daveed Abrams, son of Marnina Abrams and Robert Abrams, and Melanie Barrett, daughter of Anita and Michael Barrett.
Thank you

After almost 18 years of writing the Can We Schmooze column, I have given my notice. This is my last column. Following the successes and milestones of all the ages of our community has brought so much personal joy, as I hope it did to you as readers, too. I know that this type of “news” is not essential, but it sure is a big part of who we are as a Jewish community. Don’t worry — it will continue.
As many of you know, we recently welcomed our granddaughter, Quinn Aurora, into our family. This milestone has truly brought much introspection about the next chapter in my life. Now, with two generations of children to celebrate, I have the unfathomable blessing of not only my mom, but her mother in my life, too. Life is always a juggling act. It’s time to make changes and enjoy every minute of having health and family.
I wish you all continued nachas and much kvelling. Please continue to schmooze and share your good times. It’s been an honor.
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