Can we schmooze!

With Charlotte Golden, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Franklin T. Cohn was recently named to the board of directors of the Dayton Miami Valley Senior Olympics Inc.
Sue Gruenberg is busy organizing events to celebrate Dayton Ballet’s 75th Anniversary. The kickoff event will be the Opening Salute to Dayton Ballet’s 75 Years, on Friday, April 13 from 6-9 p.m. at the Dayton Art Institute. Hermene and Josephine Schwarz, founders of the Dayton Ballet, presented the ensemble’s first performance in May 1938 at the Dayton Art Institute. The celebration will continue with events during the ballet’s 2012-13 season.
Craig Self has been appointed board chair for the State Board of Emergency Medical Services. Craig is vice president of business development and strategic planning for Premier Health Partners at Good Samaritan Hospital.
Dr. Ira Gessel, professor of mathematics at Brandeis University, is among 77 mathematicians and theoretical physicists to be awarded a 2012 Simons Fellowship, which extends academic leave to allow recipients to focus on advancing their research. Ira was raised in Dayton View. He is the son of Ed and the late Roseanne Gessel. Thanks go to Sandy Zipperstein and Helen Abramowitz for giving us the deets!
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