Can we schmooze!

By Charlotte Jacobson, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Stephanie and Jennifer Mutzman graduated from The Ohio State University on June 12: Stephanie from the Fischer School of Business majoring in marketing with a minor in design, Jennifer from the Graduate School with a master’s degree in education. They’re the daughters of Richard and Judy Mutzman of Englewood.
David Aaron Frydman, son of Angela and Joel Frydman, graduated cum laude with a degree in history from Northwestern University and will attend Columbia Law School this fall.
Dr. Jeffrey Kaufman received his medical degree from Ohio University June 4. The son of Paula and Joseph Kaufman, he’ll begin his first-year residency in emergency medicine at St. John’s Medical Center in Westlake, Ohio.
Jordan Posner recently graduated from Loyola University School of Law in Chicago. He is currently studying for the Illinois bar and plans to remain in Chicago. Jordan is the son of Karyn and Bob Posner of Centerville.
On June 28, former Daytonians Doris and Herb Tolpen, who now live in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary. Both are active in the Shalom group, a Conservative Jewish organization, along with several other philanthropic activities. They’d love to hear from old friends and neighbors from Dayton.
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