Beth Jacob rabbi on one-year sabbatical

By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer
From Aug. 1 to July 31, 2012, Beth Jacob Congregation’s Rabbi Hillel Fox will take a sabbatical year in Israel with his wife, Chana, and their four youngest children. Fox, who has served the Traditional synagogue as its rabbi for 18 years, will take his sabbatical during the final year of his current 10-year contract, in accordance with its terms.
“The sabbatical leave was to be taken some time during the last five years of his 10-year contract,” wrote Beth Jacob President Dr. Herman Abromowitz in a June letter to members of the congregation. “Rabbi Hillel kept postponing this benefit in order to help rebuild our synagogue during these past several financially difficult years.” Abromowitz also wrote in the letter that he and the board are “working diligently to offer a new contract to our spiritual leader and to ensure future generations of prosperity at Beth Jacob.”
In an interview with The Observer, Abromowitz said that Rabbi Ben Berger of the Hillel Foundation at The Ohio State University will lead Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services at Beth Jacob; Beth Abraham Synagogue Cantor Emeritus Jerome Kopmar will serve as Beth Jacob’s cantor for the High Holy Days.
“We’re going to go forward with other guest rabbis throughout the year,” Abromowitz said. “With Rabbi Hillel taking his sabbatical this year, we wish him and Chana well and hope he enjoys his sabbatical and, very frankly, we hope he returns.”