Kosher meals now on as-needed basis at Covenant House

Kashrut at Covenant House, October 2010

Faced with a significant increase in Ohio’s bed taxes, declining Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements, and the absence of residents who require kosher meals, Covenant House will provide kosher meals on an as-needed basis beginning Oct. 4.

On Aug. 25, the board of the Jewish Federation approved the transition to a non-kosher kitchen at Covenant House, including eliminating its kosher supervisor position. The Federation owns and operates the Jewish nursing home.

The Federation’s Jewish Senior Service Agency will now distribute prepackaged kosher meals for home delivery and at its lunch site at Covenant Manor. JSSA will provide prepackaged kosher meals for Covenant House residents upon request.

“We discussed this for months and it was a very difficult decision on the part of the board,” said Federation President Dr. Gary Youra. “But we had to make these cuts to continue to ensure the highest-quality direct care to our residents.”

— Marshall Weiss

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