Beth Jacob fund-raiser from rags to riches

Beth Jacob Parking Lot Extravaganza 2010

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…some of the treasures that Helene Gordon and Helen Halcomb and volunteers have rescued for the Beth Jacob Parking Lot Extravaganza

In the fall, the board of Beth Jacob Congregation was looking at a list of potential fund-raising ideas. Board member Helen Halcomb convinced those around the table to go ahead with a flea market, but with a twist.

“We hashed it over that we wanted to go beyond a flea market, because that was same old, same old,” Halcomb says, “and we came up with the idea of the Parking Lot Extravaganza and have solicited new vendors with brand-new merchandise also.”

The Beth Jacob Congregation Parking Lot Extravaganza will be held on Sunday, June 27 at the synagogue — 7020 N. Main St. in Harrison Township — from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the synagogue’s general fund.

Assisting Helen with the project is board member Helene Gordon, who serves as event co-chair. The two are lifelong members of the Traditional synagogue.

“We go from a rags to riches type scenario,” Helene says. “Everybody has a treasure, so send your treasure in for the sale. Right now, we’re up to 12 new vendors that will be throughout the parking lot.”

Vendors will sell handbags, Mary Kay, and Tupperware. Local artists including Brian Appel and woodworker Burt Saidel will also offer their works for sale.

“Beth Jacob’s always been known for its rummage sale,” Helen said. “Sarah Pavlofsky ran it in the basement of the bingo hall for years. And that’s what sisterhood lived on. The rebbetzin, Miriam Fox, started it decades ago.”

The aim, Helene adds, is to make it a fun day. “Steve Bernstein has volunteered to have hamburgers and hot dogs and run the food for us. It’s going to be a great day of shopping for bargains.”

For Helene and Helen and their cadre of volunteers, getting to that fun day involves much work.

“We started sorting right after Pesach,” Helen says, “and we’re still sorting. Anyone who is starting out — college students — could furnish an apartment from what we have, the housewares and the linens, furniture and computers.”

Helene adds that several items, including packages of sheets, still have their price tags. Also for sale are Little Tikes kitchens and slides. They’ve accumulated so many used items, they’ll continue the sale for two days after the extravaganza. Helene says they’ll donate anything remaining to St. Vincent and Goodwill.

For more information or to rent a booth at the extravaganza, call Beth Jacob Congregation at 274-2149.

— Marshall Weiss

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