Open house at new Harrison Township mikvah

Open house at new mikvah

The Dayton Ritualarium Society will host an open house for women at its new Rosenberg Dayton Community Mikvah, on the grounds of Beth Jacob Synagogue, on Sunday, March 15 at 10:30 a.m. Ritualarium Society mikvah attendants Chana Fox, Devorah Mangel and Jane Novick will host tours of the facility and answer questions about the mikvah and its use.

The Rosenberg Dayton Community Mikvah, housed in the Singer Kolodesh Mikvah Building on Beth Jacob Synagogue’s grounds

In accordance with halacha (Jewish law), a mikvah is a ritual bath where observant, married women cleanse themselves after the completion of their monthly cycle. The mikvah is also used for conversions to Judaism. Though not required by Jewish law, some men immerse themselves in the mikvah as a spiritual exercise.

The handicap-equipped, spa-like 2,300 square-foot mikvah facility was designed with separate immersion pools for men and women, and separate entrances. Men’s and women’s sides both feature whirlpool baths.

In January, the society opened the women’s ritual bath, along with the taveling pool, for immersion of new kitchenware.

Men continue to use the Ritualarium Society’s old mikvah in Dayton View, until 1,200 gallons of rainwater are collected for the men’s side of the new mikvah.

For more information or to R.S.V.P for the event, call Ritualarium Society President Chana Fox at 684-4324 or the Rosenberg Dayton Community Mikvah at 278-2772 (Aquaspa).

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After months of waiting, women's and kitchenware mikvahs now open

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Ground broken for second local mikvah