Posts Tagged

The Jewish Internet


The Jewish Internet with Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer We continue our look at Israel’s emergency workers this month with a focus on the dedicated volunteers who deal with the heartbreaking aftermath. But first a look at those who risk their lives to prevent a tragedy. Members

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The Jewish Internet with Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Observer Last month, we looked at how modern ethical business questions can be solved using traditional Jewish principles. Now it’s your turn to be the judge. Questions 1. A friend invited you as his guest to a fund-raising dinner. A year

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  The Jewish Internet with Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Did you get that email about the company that’s boycotting Israel? Or the message about what that antisemitic actor said? Or the politician who trivialized the Holocaust? Actually, those events may never have happened. You could be

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The Jewish Internet with Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Their numbers are shrinking but their needs are not. Various programs have been established over the years to provide restitution to survivors of the Holocaust, and to return property seized during World War II and held by governments,

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The Jewish Internet with Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Shavuot is almost here. For a people hooked on a holiday diet of meat and poultry, Shavuot is unique on our gastronomic calendar: a festival that celebrates dairy food. Shavuot is best known for the giving of the

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The Jewish Internet with Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Sure, it’s known as the holiday of national liberation. Just don’t try to convince anyone who’s been spending countless hours cleaning for Passover. But just remember you’re not alone: there are plenty of people who want to share

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The Jewish Internet with Mark Mietkiewicz Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer The world recently celebrated a birthday (5,774 candles) and, God willing, so will you over the coming year. That means it’s high time to know what Judaism says about this special event and to find out how to

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The Jewish Internet With Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Your Jewish name says a great deal about you. It hints at when and where you were born, how traditional your parents were when they chose your name, your family’s roots — and according to Jewish tradition, it

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The Jewish Internet by Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Unlike other Jewish holidays, only one festival, Shavuot, has become synonymous with dairy foods. There are people who would be happy to sit down to a table groaning under the weight of blintzes and kugel and onion soup

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Purim is behind us. Passover lies ahead. And between them are several Shabboses, twice as many kiddushes and who knows how many other opportunities to raise a glass and say l’chayim. And to seriously overdo things. In reality, abuse doesn’t need an excuse. And the problem doesn’t stop at alcohol.

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