Observer takes first-place prize from American Jewish Press Association
Observer takes 1st-place, August 2010 Jewish Observer The cover story from the January 2009 Dayton Jewish Observer At the American Jewish Press Association’s annual conference, held in Scottsdale in June, The Dayton Jewish Observer received the first-place award for excellence in feature writing for newspapers with up to 7,499 circulation.
It’s time to grow up
Religion, August 2010 Jewish Observer By Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz, Temple Israel Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz One of my greatest joys comes from working with youths (and adults) in our community who have chosen to publicly affirm their commitment to Judaism and performing mitzvot (commandments) through Bar and Bat Mitzvah. So much
Picnic recalls Dayton’s last wave of Soviet Jewish immigration
20th Anniversary of Soviet Jewish immigration, October 2009 Svetlana and Moisey Shapochnik (L) were among 125 guests to join Joe and Elaine Bettman (R) at a picnic in Englewood Reserve Park to celebrate 20 years since Dayton’s Jewish Federation began resettling 80 Soviet Jews in the Miami Valley over two
The Jewish Federation centennial quiz
Jewish Federation Centennial quiz, July 2010 So you think you know a lot about our Federation? Take this quiz and find out. Answers at bottom. By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer 1. The Federation’s original name in 1910 was: a. The Jewish Community Council b. The Jewish
Sinai program expands to grades 7-12
Sinai program expands, September 2010 By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Now entering its second year, the Sinai Scholars program for Jewish teenagers has expanded both of its projects: Sunday afternoon Judaics courses, and funding for Jewish studies electives at The Miami Valley School along with scholarships for Jewish
Lessons in an Arab-Israeli village
Lessons in an Arab-Israeli village, September 2010 By Simon Jacobs, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Mori Rothman of Yellow Springs, a student of Arabic at Middlebury College, Vt., teaches English to children at a summer camp Deir al-Assad JACK and JENNIFER sit gloomily in the garden of marital discontent.
Partnership brings Israel into our lives
Partnership brings Israel, September 2010 By Irvin Moscowitz, Dayton Chair, Partnership With Israel Some experiences in life contain such meaning they’re hard to put into words. This is my experience with Partnership With Israel. The Western Galilee Consortium of Partnership just celebrated its Bar Mitzvah. I’ve been involved with the
A year of good changes
Religion, September 2010 By Rabbi Dr. Hillel Fox, Beth Jacob Congregation Rosh Hashanah is almost upon us, and we feel a mix of emotions. The New Year brings us much hope and excitement, but also some anxiety and trepidation. In the past year, we have seen an upsurge in antisemitism
Aid for the transients
Transients, July 2010 Barely remembered today, service delivery for itinerant Jews was a hot topic during the Federation’s first decades By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Judaism teaches that all Jews are obligated to give tzedakah, to provide righteous giving to those in need. A Jew is required to
Kosher meals now on as-needed basis at Covenant House
Kashrut at Covenant House, October 2010 Faced with a significant increase in Ohio’s bed taxes, declining Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements, and the absence of residents who require kosher meals, Covenant House will provide kosher meals on an as-needed basis beginning Oct. 4. On Aug. 25, the board of the Jewish