Expert: test for genetic disorders
Gary S. Frohlich By Arlene Fine, The Cleveland Jewish News Ashkenazi Jews share a history rich in Eastern European traditions and a strong sense of community. But they also share an increased incidence of Jewish genetic disorders (JGD) such as Gaucher, Tay-Sachs, familial dysautonomia, cystic fibrosis, Niemann-Pick and Canavan. Early
Why can’t twins just get along?
By Abigail Pogrebin Abigail Pogrebin The Torah reading Vayera, which includes the banishment of Abraham’s son Ishmael, has a special acidity for me as an identical twin. In the portion, which we read this month, our patriarch shuns his first-born child. True, the text says “the matter distressed Abraham greatly,
Return to independence
Determination, caring staff lead Covenant House resident to his own apartment By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer, December 2009 Robert Sussman, 49, sits in a wheelchair in his new apartment at Mercy Siena Retirement Community. Only a few days before, he said farewell to the staff and residents of Covenant
Katharine Hepburn inspires UC design student’s collection
Style Observations, December 2009 Blayne Goldwasser Style Observations With Vickie Bernie The Dayton Jewish Observer, December 2009 Vicki Bernie University of Cincinnati College of Design student Blayne Goldwasser always sketched fashion designs when she was growing up. “I explored other things but I always came back to fashion. It
Zwellings to depart this summer
Husband and wife community professionals head to Chicago By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer, January 2010 Josh and Deva Zwelling On Nov. 17, Hillel Academy Principal and Director of Judaic Studies Josh Zwelling, and his wife, Jewish Federation Assistant Executive Vice President Deva Zwelling, announced to their respective boards
Dr. Laz: hero to those with disabilities
Dr. Laz Shabbaton at Chabad Special needs music teacher, race relations specialist, guest for Chabad Shabbaton By Elliot Resnick, The Jewish Press (January 2010 Dayton Jewish Observer) Dr. David Lazerson brings music to children with severe disabilities at The Quest Center in Broward County, Fla. For nine years, Dr. David
Who is your bashert?
By Joan Friedman, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer, January 2010 According to the Talmud, Rav Yehuda taught that 40 days before a male child is conceived, a voice from heaven announces whose daughter he is going to marry; therefore, it is literally a match made in heaven. In Yiddish,
Ready, set, personalize!
Ready, set, personalize Special touches bring even more meaning to the big day By Toby Klein Greenwald, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer, January 2010 Every family wants the wedding of their child or sibling to be memorable, a wedding that relatives and friends will talk about for years to
Makeover complete, dedication set at Temple Beth Or
TBO makeover dedication Temple Beth Or with its new social hall (L) and facade By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer, March 2009 With its expansion, new facade and classroom renovations completed on target in December, Temple Beth Or in Washington Township is ready to open its doors
The Yiddish are coming
Folksbiene The oldest, only surviving professional Yiddish theatre company in the U.S., the Folksbiene brings its traveling show to Dayton By Masada Siegel, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer, March 2010 Where would American humor be without Yiddish, with words such as meshugah and shlemiel peppering dialogue in films and