10 years of helping to connect the community
Observer’s 10th Just before Passover in 1996, Jews across the Miami Valley opened their mailboxes to find a new community newspaper. Its aim was to connect a geographically dispersed and religiously diverse Jewish population. Ten years later, with numerous state and national awards to its name, The Dayton Jewish Observer
Yom Hazikaron, Yom Ha’atzmaut event May 2
Yom Hazik/Yom Ha’atz On Tuesday, May 2 at 7 p.m., Beth Jacob Congregation, Hillel Academy, Kollel Torah MiTzion of Dayton and the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton will present Dayton Sings With Israel, to commemorate Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Day of Remembrance) and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day). The evening will
Celebrate Mother’s Day the Jewish way
Mother’s Day 2006 Rabbi Judy Chessin Temple Beth Or Jewish mothers evoke jokes with punch lines about light bulbs and martyrdom. But missing Mother’s Day is no laughing matter, making us wonder if Mother’s Day could possibly be a Jewish holiday. The earliest known tributes to mothers date back to
Looking back, looking forward
The class of 2006 Vicki Bernie Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer As the end of the school year approaches, more than 30 Jewish teenagers across the Miami Valley prepare to leave their high school days behind, embarking on the next stage of their lives. For them, this is a
Beth Abraham’s path to Oakwood
Beth Abraham move Marshall Weiss The Dayton Jewish Observer On April 26, the board of Beth Abraham Synagogue voted to move ahead with plans to relocate to a 54,832-square foot building on the former site of NCR’s Sugar Camp in Oakwood. According to Susie Katz, president of Beth Abraham, the
DJCC camp receives grant to provide kosher lunches
Kosher meals at DJCC camp Marshall Weiss The Dayton Jewish Observer Funding is result of McDonald’s lawsuit In April, the national JCC Association notified the Dayton Jewish Community Center that its summer camp was awarded a $5,000 grant to provide campers with hot, kosher meals. The lunches will be
Special lenses help Bar Mitzvah boy shine
Bar Mitzvahs Michelle Tedford Special To The Observer When Michael Sherbet tried to read, eachlinebecamearun-onwithoutspaces. His brain filtered out and discarded the spaces between words that are key to cognition. And although the fourth-grader couldn’t read, he was smart. He compiled strategies to get by: look at the first
Projects teach youths to give back at early age
Mitzvah projects Martha Moody Jacobs Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Bar and Bat Mitzvah announcements in The Observer often mention celebrants’ “mitzvah projects”— good deeds done in concert with a young person’s being called to the Torah. Mitzvah projects take on dimensions as unique as the interests and concerns
Kid-friendly is the latest party trend
Bar/Bat Celebrations Martha Moody Jacobs Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer What’s the latest in Bar or Bat Mitzvah celebrations? Local caterer Steve Bernstein has an answer: “edible spoons.” Of course, there’s more to making a celebration than the spoons, edible or otherwise. Event planner Stephanie Via-Hagar of Entertainment Unlimited
Beth Abraham launches $7 million capital campaign
BA capital campaign Marshall Weiss The Dayton Jewish Observer Congregation halfway toward goal for Oakwood synagogue In July, Beth Abraham Synagogue Capital Campaign Chairs Renate Frydman and Bernie Rabinowitz announced that the congregation was launching the public phase of its $7 million campaign for its planned Oakwood site — with