Bark Mitzvah Boy
Look for the Adventures of Bark Mitzvah Boy each month in The Dayton Jewish Observer and at this site. To read the complete November 2023 Dayton Jewish Observer, click here.

UD Kristallnacht observance Nov. 9
University of Dayton English Prof. Miriamne Krummel will present remarks on the Language of Loss as part of the university’s annual Kristallnacht Remembrance, 5 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 9 at the Immaculate Conception Chapel. Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass — Nov. 9 and 10, 1938 in Nazi Germany — is

Bourbon tasting to benefit Hillel Academy
Hillel Academy of Greater Dayton will host a bourbon tasting, 7:30 to 10 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 18 at Top of the Market as a fundraiser for the Jewish day school. Cincinnati’s Rabbi Drew Kaplan, founder and publisher of jewishdrinking.com, will talk about drinking in Jewish wisdom, history, and tradition. The

The State of Israel and the state of academia
Lack of knowledge about these topics contributes to significant harm in both. Opinion by Erica Goldberg I am a First Amendment scholar, and I am a Jew. I teach at University of Dayton School of Law. I am hoping to offer a perspective on what it is like to be

‘Almost too much to bear’
Former Daytonian who has made Israel his home for 40 years opens up about the Hamas-Israel war. By Shel Bassel I awoke on Shabbat morning, Oct. 7 to the sound of sirens. Sirens in Jerusalem, our holiest of cities. Like nearly everyone else in the country, I had no idea

Stand With Israel: A Community Solidarity Gathering set for 6 p.m., Tuesday
The Dayton area’s Jewish community will come together at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 10 for Stand With Israel: A Community Solidarity Gathering at the Boonshoft Center for Jewish Culture and Education. The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton and local rabbis are organizing the program in the wake of the Hamas

Building a singing community
Beth Abraham’s Rabbi Glazer introduces niggun circles By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Rabbi Aubrey L. Glazer isn’t sure what will come out of the niggun circles he’s introducing to Beth Abraham Synagogue, and that’s what makes it exciting. “Once we get into the rhythm of this, there will

Lessons learned from people & pets kick off JCC’s annual Cultural Arts & Book Series
A New York Times bestselling author/veterinarian and a National Jewish Book Award winning longtime NBC News Israel correspondent/bureau chief will raise the curtain on the JCC’s 2023-24 Cultural Arts & Book Series in October. Karen Fine opens the series Oct. 19 with a talk about her new memoir, The Other

How much should we depend on a tool that could become the master?
By Rabbi Haviva Horvitz, Temple Beth Sholom, Middletown Give me a topic and ask me to write an article or teach a course, and I will have no trouble. I enjoy doing the research and will happily share what I have learned and add my own thoughts and opinions. However,

Needy or needed?
Judaism’s Worldview: A New Series Jewish Family Education with Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer While attending a conference in New York, Panamanian Rabbi Gabriel Benayon took time to shop in Manhattan where he purchased a new pair of sneakers. Returning to the conference, the rabbi noticed an ill-clad