Arts and Culture

DeMille’s silent Ten Commandments at 100
The first biblical epic’s Jewish connections go surprisingly beyond the obvious By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer In the early 1980s, a group of amateur archaeologists discovered the remains of the City of Rameses buried beneath dunes of sand. Over a period of 30 years, with significant fundraising and

A rabbi answers her congregants’ question: Why do they hate us?
By Andrew Silow-Carroll, JTA When I asked Rabbi Diana Fersko why she decided to add to the growing list of recent books written about antisemitism, she referred to Passover. On the holiday, Jews tell and retell the familiar story of the Exodus, she explained, and often add to it. The

Survivors reunited after 80 years — one formerly from Dayton — tell their tale in short documentary
By Julia Gergely, New York Jewish Week In March 2022, Jack Waksal thought he recognized Sam Ron, the keynote speaker at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s annual South Florida dinner in Boca Raton. But he couldn’t quite place him — after all, at 97, Waksal had met thousands of people

They fought for the Union
Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War: The Union Army • By Adam D. Mendelsohn • New York Univ. Press, 2022 • 323 Pages • $35 Book Review By Martin Gottlieb, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer The response of Jewish communities in the North to the Civil War was “tepid.”