Celebrating Jewish Scouting
By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Scott Segalewitz estimates that 80 percent of participants at the Dayton Jewish Committee on Scouting Annual Scout Shabbat aren’t Jewish. And that’s a good thing. One of the main goals of Scout Shabbat — which was held this year on Saturday, Feb.
Cool Purim treats
By Ethel G. Hofman, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Think Purim, and what comes to mind? Shalach manot baskets. But with so many folks watching their diets, consider dishes other than the ubiquitous sweet cakes and cookies. I’m planning a selection of cool fruit soups. To deliver, I’ll pour
Ritualizing our values By Candace R. Kwiatek, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Jewish Family Identity Forum A mound of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters spilled out onto the kitchen table from boxes, pockets, and purses. Every year back as far as I can remember, my family took some time
Bark Mitzvah Boy
Look for The Adventures of Bark Mitzvah Boy each month in The Observer and at this site.
Innovation Grant recipients
By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer In January, the Jewish Federation announced the recipients of its first Innovation Grants funding cycle, which will provide $26,295 in financial support for six new Jewish community programs to be offered this year. The aim of the grants is to encourage innovative Jewish
Purim and drinking
By Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer A person is obligated to drink on Purim until one no longer knows the difference between “cursed be Haman” and “blessed be Mordechai (Talmud, Megillah 7b).” “If all drinking does is make you sick or do stupid things, then it goes
With Charlotte Golden On Nov. 6, Air Force Maj. Benjamin S. Robins was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel during a ceremony at the Pentagon. Benjamin holds the aeronautical rating of C130J instructor aircraft commander and C-21 evaluator aircraft commander. Having proudly served in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation
Eileen Beeber, a resident of Friendship Village, and for many years prior to that of Fayette Court, Dayton, passed away on Jan. 15 after battling cancer for almost three years. Born on Nov. 11, 1930 in Asbury Park, N.J. to Yetta and Harry Zahler, Mrs. Beeber moved to Dayton as
Toward a Dayton renaissance
Tampa native Cathy Gardner is the Jewish Federation’s new executive vice president By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer After Cathy Gardner’s initial phone interview with the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton’s executive search committee, she felt the magic. “And when I came here for my personal three-day interview,” she
The Jewish vote and the Electoral College
By Martin Gottlieb In the spinfest after the 2012 presidential election, Republican professionals have claimed significant gains among Jewish voters. Specifically, the Republican Jewish Coalition has eagerly put out the word that President Barack Obama got only 69 percent of the Jewish vote this time, compared to 78 percent last