Posts Tagged

Mark Mietkiewicz


The Jewish Internet With Mark Mietkiewicz Traditionally, fewer weddings are held between Passover and Shavuot, a period of semi-mourning. But after Shavuot, the Jewish wedding dam bursts. That means that right now, there are countless couples counting down the days as they plan their special ceremony. And that means choosing

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The Jewish Internet By Mark Mietkiewicz To Butter a bagel You need to finagle/Just to inveigle The slithering spread/To the edge of the bread ( That’s Alma Denny waxing poetic about the food that has conquered bakeries, supermarkets and wastelines everywhere. More than just a piece of dough that’s boiled

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By Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Chanukah is approaching but if you can’t wait and want a quick holiday fix, just head over to the Apple iTunes store. You’ll find an assortment of free and low cost apps for your iPhone and iPod Touch to put you

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The Jewish Internet By Mark Mietkiewicz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Did you read on the Internet how a famous fashion designer once uttered a racist remark on a popular talk show and was told to leave immediately? Well, if you did, forget about it. It’s not true (

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