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Kosher Recipes


By Eileen Goltz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer So how much food is too much to serve for a yontif meal? Do we really need to have soup, salad, and an appetizer along with main and side dishes and dessert for a meal at 2 when we know we’re

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By Ethel G. Hofman, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Some say that hamantashen — the triangular, filled cookies we eat on Purim — remind us of the Purim villain Haman’s hat. Others say they call to mind his pockets or even his ears, symbolic of ancient times when it

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By Ethel G. Hofman, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer When the wind is howling and it’s cold and wet outside, I love to curl up in a cozy armchair and read about food in far-off places. Then it’s into the kitchen to cook up one of the tempting recipes

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