Local news
Dayton-Israel initiative opens Haifa office, announces third local business investment
Haifa office opens By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer May 2010 On April 16, the city of Dayton announced that Rafael Advance Defense Systems of Haifa, Israel will license the manufacture of its boron carbide ballistic body armor plates to B4C, a Dayton-based developer and maker of composite materials.
A virtuoso celebration of Partnership with Israel
Gluzman recital, May 2010 Vadim Gluzman By Masada Siegel, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer May 2010 Vadim Gluzman says he became a musician partly out of jealousy. “My father plays clarinet and is a conductor and my mom is a musicologist,” he says. “My parents were always
Second City dwelling for Zwellings
Zwellings depart Dayton, May 2010 By Martha Moody Jacobs, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer May 2010 Deva and Josh Zwelling Josh and Deva Zwelling first met in Jerusalem, in a square overlooking the Western Wall plaza. Josh was two years out of high school and Deva just one year
Remembering Oscar Boonshoft
Remembering Oscar Boonshoft, May 2010 The Dayton philanthropist approached giving as investments in community By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer May 2010 Oscar Boonshoft at the dedication of the Boonshoft Center for Jewish Culture and Education in Centerville, Nov. 23, 2003 The first time Peter Wells met Oscar
Partnership brings Wright State med students to Western Galilee Hospital
Medical exchange May 2010 By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer May 2010 Western Galilee Hospital Dir. of Radiology Dr. Norman Loberant (Center) with Wright State medical students Nikunj Bhatt (L) and Linden Karas Even as a first-year student at the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, Cleveland native
Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance taps Daytonian as next international president
JMA R2R 2010 By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer May 2010 Incoming JMA Pres. Ron Wynne Last year, when Daytonian Ron Wynne called the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center to inform its staff that the Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance was planning to donate between $60-70,000 to the new Skokie-based
Captain Rattan and President Sarkozy
Religion May 2010 By Rabbi Nochum Mangel, Chabad of Greater Dayton Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer, May 2010 Rabbi Nochum Mangel Near the end of March, Captain Tejdeep Singh Rattan, a 31-year-old dentist, graduated as an officer at Fort Sam Houston after the U.S. Army made an exemption to
Watch your language: The Third Commandment
The Ten Commandments: A series Jewish Family Identity Forum By Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer, May 2010 You’d think the current trends to get God out of the public arena — no prayer in schools, no commandments in courthouses, no crosses on city seals — would have made
Passion for Judaism fuels Peruvian Fire Within
2010 Film Festival: Fire Within review Review by Michael Fox, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer From The Fire Within Thanks to a number of documentaries in recent years that now comprise their own sub-genre, we’re no longer surprised to hear about tiny pockets of observant Jews in out-of-the-way corners
The evolution of Israeli film
Film Festival 2010: Evolution of Israeli film By Bob Thum, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Bob Thum From its earliest films to the present day, Israeli cinema has been a reflection of that nation’s quick-paced cultural and societal evolution. If one were viewing Israel’s history only through its cinema,