A year of good changes
Religion, September 2010 By Rabbi Dr. Hillel Fox, Beth Jacob Congregation Rosh Hashanah is almost upon us, and we feel a mix of emotions. The New Year brings us much hope and excitement, but also some anxiety and trepidation. In the past year, we have seen an upsurge in antisemitism
All in the family: The Seventh Commandment
The Ten Commandments: A series Jewish Family Identity Forum By Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer, September 2010 In 1631, a typesetting error by London’s royal printers resulted in a King James edition infamously known as the “Wicked Bible.” The omission of the word “not” left the Seventh Commandment
Respecting life, liberty, and the pursuits: The Sixth Commandment
The Ten Commandments: A series Jewish Family Identity Forum By Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer, August 2010 The problem with translations is that they can be misleading, missing the nuances or peculiarities of the original language. In the case of the Sixth Commandment, however, the King James version
Beth Abraham & Beth Jacob agree to continue merger talks
BA & BJ agree to continue merger talks, August 2010 Jewish Observer Beth Jacob also considering ways to stay independent Stained glass windows of Beth Abraham Synagogue (L) and Beth Jacob Congregation By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer On July 11, the board of Beth
A day in Gush Etzion
A day in Gush Etzion, August 2010 Jewish Observer West Bank settlement bloc Photos and Story By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer At an elementary school in Tekoa that integrates secular and observant students Only a 15-minute drive south via a new road from Jerusalem, the Gush Etzion settlement
Jewish Agency’s new mission: building identity
JAFI’s new mission, August 2010 Jewish Observer At JAFI Assembly, Sharansky lauds Partnership With Israel program JAFI Chairman Natan Sharansky (R) listens as Israeli President Shimon Peres opens the JAFI Assembly, June 20 in Jerusalem Photos and Story By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Faced with the end
Observer takes first-place prize from American Jewish Press Association
Observer takes 1st-place, August 2010 Jewish Observer The cover story from the January 2009 Dayton Jewish Observer At the American Jewish Press Association’s annual conference, held in Scottsdale in June, The Dayton Jewish Observer received the first-place award for excellence in feature writing for newspapers with up to 7,499 circulation.
It’s time to grow up
Religion, August 2010 Jewish Observer By Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz, Temple Israel Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz One of my greatest joys comes from working with youths (and adults) in our community who have chosen to publicly affirm their commitment to Judaism and performing mitzvot (commandments) through Bar and Bat Mitzvah. So much
The Jewish Federation centennial quiz
Jewish Federation Centennial quiz, July 2010 So you think you know a lot about our Federation? Take this quiz and find out. Answers at bottom. By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer 1. The Federation’s original name in 1910 was: a. The Jewish Community Council b. The
Aid for the transients
Transients, July 2010 Barely remembered today, service delivery for itinerant Jews was a hot topic during the Federation’s first decades By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Judaism teaches that all Jews are obligated to give tzedakah, to provide righteous giving to those in need. A Jew is required to