40 Years Later: How Dayton Helped in ’67
By Renate Frydman Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer News of Israel’s preemptive air strike on Egyptian airfields on June 5, 1967 — in advance of a mass Arab invasion of Israel — spread quickly across the Jewish federations of North America.
1948: Dayton’s Role in the Year of Destiny
By Marshall Weiss and Bob Thum, The Dayton Jewish Observer “June 8 marked the most dramatic opening meeting of a campaign in the history of this community,” trumpeted the lead story of the Dayton Jewish Community Council’s JCC News of June 25, 1948. On June 8, Golda Meir, the only
Youth in Dayton
Local Jewish Youth Activities If you are a Jewish youth looking to meet Jewish friends and have some fun, look no further. The Dayton area provides several programs to enhance your Jewish social and cultural life. B’nai B’rith Youth Organization BBYO is a teen led, worldwide organization that provides
Retirement of Helen Thomas award brings wave of hate to SPJ national president
Retirement of Helen Thomas award brings wave of hate to SPJ national president, Jan. 31, 2011 By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Hagit Limor, an investigative reporter for Cincinnati’s WCPO-TV, says she knew she’d learn a lot during her year as national president of the Society of Professional Journalists.
Time to make the hamantashen
Purim recipes, March 2011 By Eileen Goltz, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer It doesn’t matter if you fashion your favorite dough into Purim villain Haman’s hat, pockets, or ears; these recipes will ensure that your Purim is festive, fun and delicious. And here’s a general tip: To fold into
Journalist Ruth Gruber was far ahead of her time
Ahead Of Her Time Review, March 2011 Film Review by Michael Fox, Special To The Observer Ruth Gruber It was a volatile, uncertain and anxious world in which Ruth Gruber came of age in the late 1920s and early ‘30s. But it was also surprisingly open to exploration for a
Israeli Arab-Jewish violence sparks sizzling Ajami
Ajami review, March 2011 A scene from Ajami Film Review by Michael Fox, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Even by the high standards set by Israeli films in the last few years, Ajami is a knockout. A crackling urban drama shot with unblinking realism and steeped in astringent
‘Light with joy and gladness and honor’
Religion, March 2011 By Rabbi Samuel B. Press, Rabbi Emeritus, Beth Abraham Synagogue As we approach the observance and celebration of Purim, I choose to share selected thoughts on the holiday, ideas which may serve as a catalyst for our own reflections. Rabbi Samuel B. Press The lodestone which
Master and commander
Children of the Bible Series Jewish Family Identity Forum By Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer “Hold it right there!” Adam says to Eve. “Say cheese…OK, got it.” “Well, Adam,” Eve says, looking at the snapshot, “the fields in the background look great, but it’s not the best shot
Miami Valley School accepting applications for Sinai Scholarships
Sinai Scholarship applications, April 2010 By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer The Miami Valley School and the Sinai Scholars program will make five scholarships available for students entering ninth grade for the 2010-11 school year. In addition, the private, nonsectarian college prep school and Sinai have approved adding a