A mission to prevent heartbreak
FAS awareness Martha Moody Jacobs Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Dayton Hadassah produces educational video about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome The new video produced and distributed by the Dayton Chapter of Hadassah is not pleasant. If Only We’d Known is its title. In it, an attractive young woman and
2005 Jewish Community Film Festival
Burial Society Thursday, April 7, 7:30 p.m. Canada, 2002. English, 100 min. Director, Nicholas Racz Rated: R When Sheldon, a nerdy loan officer at Hebrew National Bank, seeks to join the chevrah kadisha (Jewish burial society) in a small town, his rabbi refuses to recommend him. The three, old, devout
DJCC Passover Expo ’05
Billed as “the one destination for all your Passover needs,” the DJCC’s Greater Dayton Passover Expo ‘05 will be held at the Boonshoft CJCE in Centerville from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on Sunday, April 3. Among the items for sale will be kosher-for-Passover groceries, cookbooks, children’s and religious books, and Judaica.
Justice Dept. on camp guard settlement: ‘We won this case’
Bucmys wrap-up Tami Kamin-Meyer Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer While some local Jews expressed dismay that a Butler Twp. man who recently admitted to guarding a Nazi prison camp and then lying about it was not deported, the lawyer heading the prosecution called the case’s resolution fair. According
UD students reflect on Israel trips
UD Israel trips Jaimie Guerra Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Riding camels with Israeli soldiers and sleeping in a Bedouin tent were just a few of the experiences University of Dayton sophomores Hollie Rawl, Ben Rudzin and Abra Carne encountered during Birthright Israel, a program that funds trips
Holocaust Observance to commemorate 60th anniversary of liberation of concentration camps
Yom Hashoah Observance 2005 On Thursday, May 5 at 7:30 p.m., the Dayton Yom Hashoah Committee will present the annual Dayton Area Yom Hashoah Observance in remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. The program will be held at Temple Beth Or, 5275 Marshall Road in Washington Township. The entire
Israel Independence Celebration 2005
Yom Ha’atzmaut 2005 Celebrate Israeli Independence with dinner and an Israeli rock band! Come to the Community Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration on Tuesday, May 10 from 6:15-9 p.m. at Beth Abraham Synagogue. The celebration will feature a concert by Danny’s Band from Manor Cabri High School in Israel’s Western Galilee region.
Federation’s Jesse Philips Building sold to United Theological Seminary
Philips Building Sold Marshall Weiss The Dayton Jewish Observer Federation announces relocation sites for north programs and services On Feb. 18 the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton completed the sale of the Jesse Philips Building to United Theological Seminary. Under terms of the agreement, the Federation will lease space
Focus on Dayton at governors’s annual Holocaust event
Governor’s commemoration Daytonians will play key roles at the 25th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Commemoration on Wednesday, May 4 at noon in the North Hall of the Statehouse in downtown Columbus. The program will feature remarks from survivor Renate Frydman, chair of the Dayton Holocaust Committee and curator of From Prejudice
Actor helps Hillel students shine with Muse Machine project
Muse Machine at Hillel By Marshall Weiss The Dayton Jewish Observer In March, the arts came alive at Hillel Academy with the help of the Muse Machine Adventure Program and artist-in-residence Michael Lippert. Lippert, a founding member and resident artist with The Human Race Theatre Company, has created workshops