Angels & Judaism
Religion, June 2011 By Rabbi David Burstein, Temple Beth Or V’shinan’tam l’vanekha v’dibar’ta bam And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them b’shiv’t’kha b’veitekha uv’lekh’t’kha vaderekh uv’shakh’b’kha uv’kumekha when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you
A not-so-tough comedian in the IDF
Joel Chasnoff interview, June 2011 By Cindy Sher, JUF News CHICAGO — Many Jewish kids have Hebrew school teachers who make Israel come alive inside their classrooms. Joel Chasnoff Comedian Joel Chasnoff, originally from Evanston, was one such Jewish student. At Solomon Schechter Jewish Day School, back in the second
‘A ghost that haunts’ medieval England
Jews in medieval England, June 2011 Dr. Miriamne Krummel New book by University of Dayton’s Miriamne Krummel shows Jews as objects of hate long after their official exile Crafting Jewishness in Medieval England: Legally Absent, Virtually Present by Miriamne Ara Krummel • Palgrave Macmillan • 243 Pages • $69.54 By
‘Todah rabah’ to Dayton
Deir al-Assad visit, June 2011 Students, chaperones and teachers from the Israeli-Arab village of Deir al-Assad visited Dayton April 9-23 By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer On April 19, 10 Israelis experienced their first Passover Seder: at Temple Beth Or in Dayton. Six middle school students from the
Hillel Academy reboots
Hillel Academy reboots, 2011 With secular curriculum and principal from Miami Valley School, new Judaics program, tightened budget & reevaluation of all staff, Dayton’s Jewish day school steps up fight to survive By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer Facing the lowest enrollment since its fledgling years and
Endowment fund to benefit Jewish Federation Archives
Federation Archives Federation’s history preserved through new endowment fund If you’re enjoying the Ten Decades of Tzedakah page in The Observer during Federation’s centennial year, you’re benefiting from the Federation Archives and the valuable information it contains about the history of our Federation. Thanks to the generosity of the Clarence
Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Archives
Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Archives About the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Archives Collection The Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Archives Collection was established in January 2009 in anticipation of the Federation’s 2010 centennial. In February 2011, the collection became part of Wright State University’s Special Collections and Archives. The
My Son’s Turn
Dennis Prager “Jews who live in affluence without any threat of suicide bombers should be visiting Israel in droves.” -Dennis Prager- Come September, my son David will embark on a year of Torah study in Israel, before he begins his college career in the States. This would not be worthy
Israeli counselors at DJCC camp
Reverse Kefiada Heather Cole “Americans should come and see Israel how it really is,” says Israeli Shirley Poran. She hopes to encourage Americans to visit Israel during her three weeks in Dayton as a part of the Partnership With Israel program, formerly known as Partnership 2000. Along with Poran,
Birthright connects young adults to Israel
Birthright Israel Heather Cole For three Jewish students, Israel has become more than an image in a textbook or on the news. And it’s not difficult to get them to talk about their experiences. Martin Foster, Dori Handel and Allie London — all Dayton residents and students at Miami