Bagel cuisine and culture
The Jewish Internet By Mark Mietkiewicz To Butter a bagel You need to finagle/Just to inveigle The slithering spread/To the edge of the bread ( That’s Alma Denny waxing poetic about the food that has conquered bakeries, supermarkets and wastelines everywhere. More than just a piece of dough that’s boiled
Lorna M. Eichorn, age 63, died Nov. 17. She is survived by her brother, Al (Nancy) Eichorn and her sister, Sally (John) Reinicke. She is also survived by many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Albert and Dorothy Eichorn. A lifetime Dayton resident,
A wedding gown that made history
By Helen Zegerman Schwimmer, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Lilly Friedman doesn’t remember the last name of the woman who designed and sewed the wedding gown she wore when she walked down the aisle more than 60 years ago. But the grandmother of seven does recall that when she
American Jews and guns
Charles Strauss, the first Jewish mayor of Tucson, Arizona Territory, and his son, Charles Jr., were gun enthusiasts of a different sort. According to Dr. Eileen R. Warshaw, executive director of Tucson’s Jewish History Museum, Mayor Strauss would never have dressed as shown in the photo above. “He was a
‘Few are guilty, but all are responsible’
By Rabbi David Burstein, Temple Beth Or, Washington Township, Ohio Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Philosopher Edmund Burke is believed to have said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” As the weeks pass, the sordid tale of accused child
Heart to Heart + Northern Excursion + Historic Petra
Embark on a once in a lifetime experience for Dayton Jewish Women: Click Here to view the itinerary In 2014 Embark on a once in a lifetime experience for Dayton Jewish Women: Mix and Match your passions for three incredible excursions in Israel: Heart to Heart Mission – February 9 –
Planning a wedding: delays, details, diplomacy
By Pearl Salkin, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Planning a child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah celebration can be a rough roller coaster ride that requires a lot of antacid pills and a truckload of patience. But that terrific and somewhat terrifying experience is just basic training for the real
New! The Adventures of Bark Mitzvah Boy
Look for The Adventures of Bark Mitzvah Boy each month in The Observer and at this site!
And he hunts too
By Masada Siegel, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer American Jews and Guns: An ambivalent relationship At a Shabbat dinner a few weeks back, someone asked me about my new friend, Josh. I wickedly responded, “Oh we have been together for eight years.” Josh, whom I had only met for