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By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer No one knows for certain how many Jewish passengers were on board Titanic, let alone how many of them died. Of the more than 1,500 people who went down with Titanic, ships later recovered only 340 bodies. A review of the list of

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With board approval, Federation begins implementing three-pillar strategic plan By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer With the Jewish Federation board’s approval of a new mission statement and strategic plan on Jan. 18, the Federation has established committees to implement the plan’s three priority areas: improving collaboration, programming, and marketing

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Community Yom Hashoah Observance with UD choir, keynote by local survivor Circle of Freedom is the theme of the Dayton Area Yom Hashoah Observance: A Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust, on Thursday, April 19 at 7 p.m. at Beth Abraham Synagogue, 305 Sugar Camp Circle in

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By Marshall Weiss, The Dayton Jewish Observer In a February letter to congregants, Beth Abraham Synagogue President Mary Rita Weissman announced that the board has extended Rabbi Bernard Barsky’s contract for two additional years, through Aug. 1, 2014. Weissman also wrote, “Our agreement makes provision for the board to begin

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By Jennie Szink, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer When Evan Sherbet left Capitol Hill on Sunday, Jan. 22, he felt confident in the presentation he and his peers had just given on why legislators should uphold pro-choice laws. But he stepped outside and was met by pro-life demonstrators holding

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By Edwin Black It will come as a shock to most Americans, but no presidential candidate — nor any agency at the local, state or federal level, has developed a contingency plan in the event of a protracted oil cut-off. It is not even being discussed. Government has prepared for

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Rituals in Jewish life series Jewish Family Identity Forum By Candace R. Kwiatek, The Dayton Jewish Observer “Rad ha-yom, shemesh dom, kokhavim notz’tzim bamarom (Day is done, gone the sun, stars are twinkling in the sky)” begins the summer camp lullaby for lights-out. As my husband sang it for the

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By Rabbi Judy Chessin, Temple Beth Or, Washington Township, Ohio Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Who doesn’t fondly recall those kiddie costume pageants and carnivals in celebration of the festival of Purim? Growing up, my religious school classmates and I relished dressing up as Queen Esther or King Ahashverus,

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By Ethel G. Hofman, Special To The Dayton Jewish Observer Some say that hamantashen — the triangular, filled cookies we eat on Purim — remind us of the Purim villain Haman’s hat. Others say they call to mind his pockets or even his ears, symbolic of ancient times when it

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With Charlotte Golden, The Dayton Jewish Observer Jennifer Lapine Aga has accepted a position as the foreign in-house attorney with Hitachi. This position will require her to travel to various countries to handle acquisitions, mergers, and contract negotiations. She and her husband, Hide, will move back to Japan when her

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