Federation launches video for those considering move to the Miami Valley

To showcase Jewish life in the Miami Valley for those considering a move here, the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton launched a three-minute video, Are there really Jews in Dayton?, on Feb. 9 at jewishdayton.org, YouTube, and social media sites.
The video, directed by native Daytonian Stephen Levinson, features members of the Jewish community sharing what they love about Jewish life in the Miami Valley. It also shows cultural and recreational amenities and emphasizes the affordable cost of living in the region.
According to Jewish Federation CEO Cathy Gardner, the video came about through the Federation’s Jewish Dayton Dreams Big project a few years ago.
“One of the initiatives was to market Dayton as a great place to live Jewishly,” she said, “not only to our community, but to those who may be thinking of relocating to the Miami Valley.”
The project manager for the video was Patty Caruso. The Jewish Federation held a video premiere party the evening before its official launch, at the Downtown Dayton Metro Library.
— Marshall Weiss
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