Heart to Heart + Northern Excursion + Historic Petra

Embark on a once in a lifetime experience for Dayton Jewish Women:



Click Here to view the itinerary

In 2014 Embark on a once in a lifetime experience for Dayton Jewish Women: Mix and Match your passions for three incredible excursions in Israel:

  1. Heart to Heart Mission – February 9 – 13: Spend five brilliant days traveling Israel and meeting women of all ages from across North America on a unique journey. Participate in hands-on programs that are changing the face of Israeli society and helping those most at risk.
  2. Northern Excursion – February 14 – 17: Indulge your senses by exploring all that Northern Israel has to offer.  From open markets to museums, the birthplace of Kabblalah to the deep roots of our Israeli heritage, the sights and sounds will create lasting memories for years to come.
  3. Historic Petra – February 18 – 20: Dig even deeper into ancient history while taking in the breathtaking majesty of Petra, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, a magnificent city carved deep inside a narrow desert gorge.

 You may participate in any combination of the missions. 

To learn more about our amazing women’s trip to Israel, join us for cocktails and appetizers on Monday, December 9, at the home of Debby Goldenberg from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.  RSVP to Jodi Phares at 610-1555, or jpharesjfgd.net.

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